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Did You Know These Pretty House Plants Have Secret Health Benefits?

Below we have a list of house plants that will not only look visually beautiful, but keep you healthy also! Why? They essentially do the opposite of what we do when we breathe, they release oxygen and absorb carbon dioxide. This not only freshens up the air, but eliminates harmful toxins, they also keep air temperatures down, increase humidity, reduce levels of airborne dust and boost your mood, making them perfect for not just your home but your work space, too.

Aloe Vera

The Aloe Vera plant is renowned for it’s healing qualities which stem for the gel that is produced and stored in their thick leaves. This gel can be used to settle burns, as a hand sanitizer or consumed to aid digestion! It is also known to improve air quality so the benefits are endless. The Aloe plant is one of the easiest plants to care for in your home and one of the most ideal to have around. So if you don’t have a green thumb, remember that all it needs is bright indirect light, water, and a succulent potting mix can help them thrive!

Peace Lily

This glossy tropical plant makes an Instagrammable addition to your living room and is another low-maintenance house plant. The name of the plant derives from its relation to the Cala Lily, and the resemblance of the bloom to a white flag of surrender. The main potential benefit of having a Peace Lily in your home is that they are said to remove harmful toxins from the air, whilst also increasing humidity levels. This in turn promotes better breathing, relieving irritated throats and noses as a natural air freshener.

English Ivy

English Ivy is an evergreen super-climber, able to climb to heights of 50ft or more! But aside from looking impressive, this plant is said to purify airborne mould particles. It is also believed to have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antiarthritic properties. This in turn relaxes airways, treats asthma symptoms, loosens mucus and improves air quality. However, English Ivy is poisonous so it should be kept high up, out of reach from children and pets.

Spider Plant

The spider plant (Chlorophytum comosum) is considered one of the most adaptable of houseplants and the easiest to grow. This plant can grow in a wide range of conditions and suffers from few problems, other than brown tips. The spider plant is so named because of its spider-like plants, or spiderettes, which dangle down from the mother plant like spiders on a web.

During the summer, spider plants may produce tiny white flowers on long stems, as well as baby spider plants (offsets) called “pups.” The pups look like tiny spiders, hence the plant’s name! Spider plant are often in hospital rooms of patients recovering from surgery. It can Lower systolic blood pressure, and lower ratings of pain, anxiety, and fatigue. Spider plants are also effective in reducing indoor carbon monoxide levels, which helps in decreasing fatigue, headaches, colds, sore throats, and flu-like symptoms caused by CO exposure.

Gerbera Daisy

Gerbera Daisy is one of the most effective flowers for improving air quality in the home. These daisies remove benzene from the air which can be emitted from your natural gas stove in your home. Whether you’d like to keep them in your home year-round or purchase one of our stunning bouquets featuring Gerberas such as the beautiful Fab Fusion Bouquet. Gerbera Daisies are easy to keep in the home if they have access to plenty of sunlight! It’s up for you to decide.

Golden Pothos

Devil’s ivy, Rapunzel, ceylon creeper, hunter’s robe, or as we call it, Golden Pothos. The golden pothos is a beautiful but versatile plant for beginners. It can adapt to most environments and grows into her environment. These plants serve to purify the air of formaldehyde, benzene and carbon monoxide while also helping eliminate odors. Pothos can also help alleviate eye irritation after long days of staring at screens.

Boston Fern

Boston ferns are known for being easy to care for, and they’re also a powerhouse for purifying the air in your home. Boston ferns ranked in NASA’s list of air-purifying plants for their ability to remove compounds like formaldehyde, plastics, or cigarette smoke from the air. These compounds are absorbed by the fern’s leaves and turned into materials that the plant can use.

Rubber Plant

If you are looking for a new plant hero to transform your interior, without demanding too much of your time, consider one of these dark green rock stars. You can either keep them on the smaller side, or encourage them to grow into beautiful indoor trees. They can grow to impressive heights within a few years — especially if you put them outside during the summer —transforming into an artistic focal point for your interior.

A rubber plant is botanically known as Ficus elastica Roxb, a large or medium house plant belonging to the fig genus and Moraceae family. They can take a lot of neglect, so they’re not as difficult to care for as some other plants. The large surface area of the leaves allows them to absorb indoor air pollutants efficiently, converting either into nutrients for the plant or compounds for the soil.


Some of the compounds in eucalyptus oil, distilled from the leaves, provide potential health benefits that include promoting airflow, relaxation and clearing nasal congestion. You can also reap the benefits and joys of eucalyptus by hanging it in your shower. Shower steam helps activate and release eucalyptus oil compounds into the air, allowing you to breathe them in. You can use either fresh or dried leaves for this purpose.

Not only does eucalyptus look stunning for interior design purposes, having it indoors can also aid in keeping mosquitoes and insects at bay, what a bonus!

Snake Plant

This striking plant is native to tropical West Africa, and goes by a cheeky other name: mother-in-law’s tongue! Studies have shown that this plant emits oxygen whilst you sleep. The Snake Plant also removes harmful formaldehyde, trichloroethylene and benzene from the air, improving your breathing for a better night’s rest.

Lucky Bamboo

According to Feng Shui, the Lucky Bamboo plant attracts positive energy that is supposed to bring good health, peace, happiness, prosperity, longevity and good luck into the home that has this plant. Aside from the promise of prosperity, this plant offers a vibrant green accent to any space.


Lavender is an ideal plant to have in the home if you regularly struggle with sleeping or have problems with anxiety and stress. Creating a lavender tea by brewing some lavender flowers in hot water can help to induce sleep and relaxation. As well as this, the wonderfully smelling lavender can be used in aromatherapy to help reduce anxiety and stress.

Did "You Know" Most plants like to be watered in the morning hours?

They need to bulk up on water before the sun is shining in full force and cooks the water off. Watering in the morning hours is also a good strategy for plants that do not get as much natural sunlight as they’d like to, because the multiple hours of daylight ahead helps to pull the water out immediately, so they’re not sitting in wet potting mix for too long.

As for misting — for the plants that need to be misted to thrive like air plants and ferns — it’s best to mist them in the morning *and* the evening whenever possible. The morning mist helps to prepare them for the day ahead, while the evening misting helps create a little extra humidity. These plants will be especially grateful for that!

Enjoy getting green and consider being creative with your interior design, creating your very own personal plant sanctuary!

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