It’s likely that we all enjoy a hot cup of tea — or herbal infusion — at least from time to time, if not on a daily basis. But what are the most important health benefits that some of these soothing teas can bring us? If you are someone who measures your day in cups of tea read on to learn more about the top teas for our health.

Stress, Anxiety & Sleep
is an herb grown in South Africa that can be brewed into a delicious, caffeine-free cup of tea. It makes for a colourful and tasty addition to your tea caddy. The lower the levels of cortisol in the body, the higher the likelihood of uninterrupted sleep. Rooibos also contains magnesium and calcium – both minerals which play a role in a good night's sleep. Rooibos Tea is also famous for its anti-ageing properties, used in numerous cosmetic products including facial washes and cleansers.
Passionflower tea is made from flowers of hundreds of species in the Passiflora family. Passionflower tea offers a delicate flavour profile with sweet notes. It has a mild flavor so it can easily be mixed with other herbs such as lemongrass and chamomile, all of which are great to drink as a natural remedy for anxiety. Research shows that flavonoids in passionflower tea have modulating effects on GABA receptors. This herbal tea also contains the flavone chrysin, which was shown to be as effective at reducing anxiety as midazolam — a commonly prescribed anxiety medication).
Valerin Root
Valerian is a herb that has been used for centuries to treat problems like insomnia, nervousness, and headaches. Historically, it was used in England during World War II to relieve stress and anxiety caused by air raids. Today, valerian is one of the most popular herbal sleep aids
Rose Tea
Studies show that rose tea has neuropharmacological effects. Researchers in Iran found that damask rose tea offers hypnotic and analgesic effects. The tea increased deep sleep and reduced the amount of time it took to fall asleep. Scientists also found that the tea directly affects benzodiazepine receptors—the same way that prescription anxiety medications do, as the flavonoids present in the tea directly target the production of the stress hormone cortisol and help to decrease inflammation, which alleviates pain.
Lavender Tea
Lavender essential oil is renowned for its calming properties and one of the most popular herbal remedies for anxiety and stress. The plant also makes one of the best calming teas. A study of 31 individuals indicated that the scent of lavender may increase deep sleep. It can also elevate energy levels when you wake up. During the study, lavender aroma increased slow-wave sleep and REM sleep. Lavender tea may also promote the production of dopamine—the brain’s happy chemical. At the same time, it decreases the stress hormone cortisol.
Lemon Balm Tea
Lemon Balm is a calming herb that belongs to the mint family. No wonder it has a natural mint flavour with a slight taste of lemon. It reduces the stress hormone called cortisol and relaxes the body without causing drowsiness. It also helps to elevate the mood.
Known as the most relaxing tea, chamomile is a herbal caffeine-free tea brewed from the leaves of the chamomile flower. With a mild, slightly sweet and flowery taste, it’s a comforting, hot beverage that is sure to calm you before bedtime.
Pregnancy & Hormones
Nettle Tea
Nettle leaf tea is made by infusing the leaves of the stinging nettle plant in hot water. The tea boasts an earthy flavour that can be bitter. A slice of lemon or dash of honey is the perfect companion for mellowing out the flavour of this tea. Research shows that nettle leaf tea offers post-birth support for female balance and women's health. In fact, research shows that nettle leaf may help to increase the flow of breast milk after birth.
Red Clover
Red clover is a herb used by midwives to boost fertility and improve women's health. The herb contains natural plant estrogen known as isoflavones or phytoestrogen. While technically an estrogen, this form is far less powerful compared to human estrogen. The herb is also commonly used in menopausal women to ease symptoms such as hot flashes.
Red Raspberry Leaf Tea
Red raspberry leaf tea contains phyto-progesterone properties. This may help to increase the levels of progesterone, which may, in turn, enhance fertility. Additionally, red raspberry leaf has been shown to reduce inflammation and strengthen the uterine lining. Many fertility tea advocates argue that a stronger uterus may help to decrease the risk of miscarriage during the first trimester and lower risks of needing C-sections, plus may shorten labor durations.
Ginseng has been proven to help reduce the occurrence and severity of hot flashes and night sweats in menopausal women. Recent research has even found that it can help postmenopausal women lessen their risk of cardiovascular disease.
Treat A Cold & Boost Immune System
The elderberry bush belongs to the same family as the honeysuckle. It features a delicate floral flavour that is sweet and aromatic. The berries are packed with flavonoids and antioxidants that can boost immune health. Studies show that elderberry supplementation can help ease sore throats, decrease the severity of cold symptoms and lessen their duration.
Echinacea has been identified as having anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and antiviral properties and as an immune-strengthening agent. Echinacea encourages the immune system and reduces many of the symptoms of colds, flu and some other illnesses, infections, and conditions, perfect to slurp on what you have a cold!
Echinacea seems to activate chemicals in the body that decrease inflammation, which might reduce cold and flu symptoms.
Licorice Tea
For a double assault on your cold, licorice root contains antimicrobial and antiviral properties that provide immune system support while easing throat soreness. Licorice tea can also help fight the effects of congestion, which is especially great if you’re experiencing a cough.
Eucalyptus Tea
Some of the best teas for a cold are those that include eucalyptus. Used by aboriginal groups in Australia for centuries, eucalyptus can be used to treat colds, fevers, and respiratory illnesses. We recommend this bronchial wellness tea from Gaia Herbs, which also includes healthful doses of licorice and peppermint.
Green Tea With Ginger
In addition to treating cold symptoms, green tea can help reduce the body’s susceptibility to future infections and viruses, due in large part to its antioxidant content. Double your efforts with this organic green ginger tea
Peppermint Tea
Much like licorice, peppermint is an excellent ingredient for easing coughs and helping to resolve the mucus buildup that often comes with a cold. Menthol—a natural component of peppermint—is a well established decongestant, which makes peppermint one of the best teas for a cold.
Add fresh lemon to any of the above teas or opt for teas such as lemon verbena tea, lemon balm tea, and lemongrass tea as they all have high concentrations of vitamin C, know to help boost the immune system and kick colds faster!

Boost Energy & Aid In Weight Loss
Mint And Fruit Teas
Combat your cravings by sipping a cup of mint tea, fresh leaves or a good quality tea bag, as it's know to improve energy levels and reduce daytime fatigue. Otherwise opt for fruit teas, as In addition to its absence of calories (unsweetened tea is basically plant-flavoured water), certain varieties contain compounds that give them an even bigger fat-burning boost. There are many health-related reasons to drink fruit-flavored herbal teas, but we like this one a lot. You can get the tastiness of mango or berries without the sugar.
Matcha is produced from shade-grown green tea leaves, which are stone-ground into a fine powder. Matcha is traditionally prepared by whisking up the powder with hot water. When you drink matcha you’re consuming the entire tea leaf, rather than an infusion of tea leaves, matcha contains a concentrated amount of the many healthful and energising properties of green tea. In particular, matcha is high in caffeine, containing almost as much as coffee. The shading process also elevates the levels of both caffeine and l-theanine in the tea, resulting in a stimulating, energizing tea that is said to contribute to clarity and focus.
White Tea
White tea is rich in antioxidants, boosts metabolism and helps to breakdown fat cells. It's a very good all rounder. In addition to aiding weight loss and helping in the treatment of diabetes, white tea can improve skin and hair health also treating acne. It's also known for helping treat cancer, reducing inflammation, improving the health of liver and kidneys, maintaining reproductive health, keeping the heart healthy, enhancing memory, energy, and alertness, supporting the treatment of hypothyroidism and improving oral health.
Black Tea
Black tea is actually made from the same plant as green tea—the difference is that the leaves are exposed to the air to trigger fermentation. One study found that over three months, those who drank three cups of black tea per day had less weight gain and reduced waist circumference compared with those who drank a caffeinated beverage that was devoid of the flavonoids in tea. Try any tasty black variety, such as English breakfast or Earl Grey.
Though green tea has long been thought of as the go-to variety for weight-loss, some researchers believe that oolong – a Chinese tea that falls somewhere between green and black—may be even more powerful. Oolong tea promotes thermogenesis (so the body produces heat from energy, thereby burning more calories from increased energy levels ), and suppresses the production of new fat cells.
Green Tea
Boost your metabolism with the grandmother of weight-loss brews, green tea—it's filled with antioxidants called catechins, including a substance called epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), which is believed to increase metabolism and help burn fat. "Researchers have found that green tea extract causes changes in the expression of fat metabolism genes, especially when it’s consumed consistently for longer periods of time,
Inflammation, Acid Reflux & Nausea
If ever there was a spice that was trendy, turmeric is it. Turmeric's meteoric rise to superfood fame has some basis in science—especially when it comes to relieving pain in conditions like arthritis. turmeric extract was found to help treat symptoms of inflammatory joint conditions like pain and stiffness in a similar magnitude as pain medication.
You know that hydration is the key to keeping your digestive system happy, and hibiscus tea just might give it an extra boost. “This herbal tea variety may also function as a natural diuretic, helping to remove both water and sodium from the body, contributing to normal urination, bowel movements.
Ginger Tea
The rhizome in ginger tea is chockablock with phenols, including compounds like gingerols and shogaols. And beyond being a tummy soother for nausea, indigestion and acid reflux, research suggests these antioxidants may protect against general inflammatory.
Perhaps known best as a before-bed drink—we knock back 1 million cups a day worldwide—this caffeine-free tea is calming in multiple ways. Superstar chamomile chemicals chamazulene, alpha-bisabolol and apigenin are what gives the tea its anti-inflammatory properties. When you get down to the nitty-gritty, chamomile functions like a COX-2 inhibitor—a type of anti-inflammatory drug that's prescribed to treat pain. Turns out, a cup at night may be the ultimate relaxer for body and mind.
Chai Tea
Chai tea is traditional Indian milky tea made from a blend of black tea, ginger and other spices. It can be consumed in various forms and may provide a variety of health benefits. Consider the fact that chai is also blended with an array of antioxidant-rich spices, each one with some pretty powerful, science-backed healing traits of its own. Ginger, for one, is known to have anti-nausea properties, while also helping to reduce inflammation and strengthen the immune system. Cardamom and black pepper also have digestive superpowers, further boosting chai’s reputation as a potent stomach savior.
Fennel Tea
Fennel has many benefits which can positively affect acid reflux. Fennel has a high fibre content, therefore if you have stomach issues or excess gas, its addition of fibre and anti fungal/bacteria properties can help ease and relieve problems in the digestive tract which can worsen or even cause acid reflux.
Senna is among the most well-known and frequently used laxative ingredients in teas. Senna tea is made from the dried leaves and pods of the Senna alexandrina shrub. The senna plant contains compounds called glycosides that stimulate the digestive system. This can have laxative effects.
Dandelion tea may drank after meals may help with mild digestive symptoms, such as bloating or occasional constipation. Dandelion can stimulate the liver to produce bile, which can indirectly help with constipation. Dandelion tea can also act as a diuretic in the body, adding more water to the digestive system and the stools. This can help to relieve mild constipation.
We surround ourselves with noise all day, so when we sit down and try to clear our minds, brew a soothing steamy cuppa, and consider making it a habit to order a herbal tea over the takeaway lattes, caramel macchiatos, and cold-brew iced coffees!
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