Unlike most food trends, matcha has maintained its cult wellness status, probably because it is so diverse and full of antioxidants. What better way to get your matcha fix then to make these gooey rice crispy squares.
These tempting treats are made from 4 simple ingredients and can come to life in as little as 35 minuets.

Prep Time: 5 minutes
Set Time: 30 minutes
-6 CUPS PUFFED RICE CEREAL (Rice Krispies or rice pops)
01. Line a 9 x 9 inch baking dish with parchment paper
02. In a large saucepan, add the coconut oil, then fold in the marshmallows, heat on low to medium. Stir regularly with a spatular so the mixture doesn't burn
03. Sieve the matcha and add to the mixture, whisk well to combine
04. Add the rice cereal and stir until completely covered with the marshmallow and matcha mixture
05. Transfer into your tin. Using a spoon greased with coconut oil, pat down firmly
06. Leave to set, either on the side, in the fridge or in the freezer, if you can't wait a full 30 minutes

-Wash the saucepan immediately so it's easier to clean
-They store well in an airtight container refrigerated
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