Elevate your pancakes dreams by making these vibrant green American style pancakes with an extra hint of antioxidant.

Makes: 4 pancakes approximately
Prep Time: 5 minutes
Batter Ingredients:
200g Self raising flour
1 1/2 Tsp baking powder
1 Tbsp golden caster sugar
3 Large eggs
2-3 Tsp organic Matcha powder
200ml Milk of your choice
25g Melted butter
Coconut oil for cooking
Batter Instructions:
Mix together sieved self raising flour, baking powder, sugar & matcha in a large bowl
Add the eggs, milk and melted butter
Whisk together either with a hand or electric mixer
Heat a dollop of coconut oil or butter in a non stick frying pan until melted
Ladle in the desired size pancake mix into the pan and cook on a medium to low heat. Once the pancake is bubbling flip and cook for a further couple of minutes
Continue until all the mix has gone and serve with chosen toppings
This is where you can get creative, below are some healthy suggestions to mix and match
Soaked chia seeds
Cocoa nibs or dark chocolate
Sunflower seeds
Goji Berries
Raspberries, strawberries
Sliced banana, consider caramelised
Peanut butter
Honey or maple syrup

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